Why Kids Benefit From Martial Arts

Why Kids Benefit From Martial Arts

Several benefits are in store for children who become involved in martial arts. Youngsters who participate in a quality martial arts program can learn valuable skills and experiences that can last a lifetime. Many parents might feel martial arts teach kids violence....
Industry Trends for Martial Arts in 2020

Industry Trends for Martial Arts in 2020

This year, it is essential to remember that the trend is your friend. It is crucial to follow the most current and updated directions in any industry. This is especially the case with regards to the martial arts industry. Martial arts owners should be aware of the...
How to Train for Self-Defense Shooting

How to Train for Self-Defense Shooting

Training to be prepared for self-defense shooting is probably the most critical thing a person can do to defend themselves. Not just training, but repetitive, consistent practice that makes shooting second nature, can make all the difference in a self-defense...